
Americans are drinking as much alcohol now as in Civil War days

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The average American drinks 60 percent more hard liquor now than in the mid-1990s, an unheralded surge in spirit consumption that signals changing tastes in alcohol.  Americans are drinking more wine, too: 50 percent more per person since 1995.   Overall, the average American consumed 2.51 gallons of ethanol, the alcohol in wine, beer and spirits,…
The average American drinks 60 percent more hard liquor now than in the mid-1990s, an unheralded surge in spirit consumption that signals changing tastes in alcohol.  Americans are drinking more wine, too: 50 percent more per person since 1995.   Overall, the average American consumed 2.51 gallons of ethanol, the alcohol in wine, beer and spirits,…

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A Hundred Years Dry: The U.S. Navy's End of Alcohol at Sea - USNI News

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The Revolution of American Drinking - US History Scene

World War I played key role in passage of Prohibition - The Mob Museum

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Americans are drinking as much alcohol now as in Civil War days