
Control of membrane gaps by synaptotagmin-Ca2+ measured with a

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A Chemical Controller of SNARE-Driven Membrane Fusion That Primes

Kinetics of Synaptotagmin Responses to Ca2+ and Assembly with the

Calcium sensitive ring-like oligomers formed by synaptotagmin

Ca2+-dependent release of synaptotagmin-1 from the SNARE complex

Dynamic Ca2+-Dependent Stimulation of Vesicle Fusion by Membrane

Synaptotagmin-1 is a bidirectional Ca2+ sensor for neuronal

Ca2+–synaptotagmin-1 triggers full membrane fusion at low ionic

Synaptotagmin-1 membrane binding is driven by the C2B domain and

Synaptotagmin functions as a Calcium Sensor: How Calcium Ions

Rearrangements under confinement lead to increased binding energy